
The Circassians in Jordan and Syria
from the book: 'Heroes and Emperors in Circassian History' by Shawket Mufti (Habjoka), Beirut, 1972

Race Against Time for Circassian in Turkey
Can the North Caucasian diaspora in Turkey grasp an opportunity to revive their historic languages?

Circassian Diaspora in Turkey: Stereotypes, Prejudices and Ethnic Relations
Istanbul Bilgi University, Department of International Relations

Conflict Over Language Rights: The Case Of Kurds And Circassians In Turkey
By Burcu Toksabay, Conflict Analysis and Resolution, M.A. Thesis, 2005, Sabancı University

Circassian Israelis: Multilingualism As a Way of Life
By Isabelle Kreindler, Marsha Bensoussan, Eleanor Avinor & Chen Bram, 1995

Circassian Re-Immigration To The Caucasus
By Chen Bram, Truman Institue, The Hebrew Universty of Jerusalem