Circassians Names

Circassians Names

List 1: Masculine Names

1. Abatiy (Abaty)
2. Aghwrbiy (Agurby; if biy is interpreted as Turkic bey, or bay, the master, or rich man, then this name may not be considered original)
3. Albech, Albek (Albach, Albak)
4. Albot (Albot)
5. Alhx'es (Alkas)
6. Alhx'o (Alko)
7. Alijiqwe (Alijiqua)
8. Amisch (Amish)
9. Andeimir (Andemir)
10. Andeimirqan (Andemirkan)
11. Anzawir (Anzawir)
12. Anzoriqwe (Anzoriqua)
13. Areqshu, Ariqshu (Arikshoe)
14. Ashemez (Ashamaz)
15. Axwemghwet (Aqua-mguat)
16. Bagh (Bagh)
17. Bale (Bala)
18. Bate (Bata)
19. Batiy (Batty)
20. Batirbiy (Batirby)
21. Bat'e (Bata, the t is followed by a glottal stop)
22. Bedin (Badin)
23. Bediniqwe (Badiniqua)
24. Belatse (Balatsa)
25. Beletoqwe (Balatoqua)
26. Beresbiy (Barasby)
27. Beroqwe (Baroqua)
28. Betey (Batay)
29. Betoqwe (Batoqua)
30. Betrez, Beterez (Batraz, Bataraz; probably not original)
31. Beizriqwe (Bezriqua)
32. Beiqan (Baykan)
33. Beird (Bird)
34. Biybeird (Bee-bird)
35. Biybolet (Bee-bolat)
36. Biylhosten (Bee-lostan)
37. Blaneshu (Blanashoe; literally: Brave-knight)
38. Bobe (Boba)
39. Bolet (Bolat)
40. Bore (Bora)
41. Bot (Boat, with no diphthongization)
42. Bube (Booba)
43. Bubeird (Boo-bird)
44. Bile (Bila)
45. Bilu (Biloo)
46. Chawis, Kawis (Chawis, Kawis)
47. Chetsu, Ketsu (Chatsoo, Katsoo)
48. Ch'ischiqwe, K'ischiqwe (Chishiqua, Kishiqua)
49. Dat (Dat)
50. Dawe (Dawa)
51. Dariqwe (Dariqua)
52. Debaghwe (Dabagua)
53. Degwzchey (Daguzhay)
54. Diyde (Dee-da)
55. Dox'wshiqwe (Dokshiqua)
56. Dizchin (Dizhin; literally: silver)
57. Discheshu (Disha-shoe; literally: Golden knight)
58. Dzedzu (Dzadzoo)
59. Dzeghaschte (Dzagashta; literally: that scares the army)
60. Dzepsch (Dzapsh; literally: prince of the army)
61. Dzeshu (Dzashoe; literally: army knight)
62. Dzu (Dzoo)
63. Dzudze (Dzoodza)
64. Dzune (Dzoona)
65. Dzidzu (Dzidzoo)
66. Foqwe (Foqua)
67. Ghwaze (Guaza; literally: leading light, beacon)
68. Ghwch'e, Ghwk'e (Gucha, Guka; literally: blacksmith)
69. Ghwch'el', Ghwk'el' (Guchal, Gukal; literally: blacksmith-man)
70. Ghwch'eschawe, Ghwk'eschawe (Guchashawa, Gukashawa; literally: blacksmith-lad)
71. Ghwsch'ine (Gushina; literally: iron-eyed; this is one of the epithets of Nart Sosriqwe
72. Ghwsch'ipse (Gushipsa; literally: iron-soul)
73. Hebale (Habala)
74. Hebashe (Habasha)
75. Hebexw (Habaku, the u is very short)
76. Hebiy (Haby)
77. Hebizh (Habizh)
78. Hech'ashe, Hek'ashe (Hachasha, Hakasha)
79. Hegwtsire (Hagutsira)
80. Hemash (Hamash)
81. Hemashe (Hamasha)
82. Hemat' (Hamat)
83. Hemat'e (Hamata)
84. Hemats (Hamats)
85. Hemit'e (Hamita)
86. Hemt'ut' (Hamtut)
87. Henasch'e (Hanasha)
88. Henaschx'we (Hanashqua)
89. Henax'we (Hanaqua)
90. Hepasch'e (Hapasha)
91. Hep'at' (Hapat)
92. Hep'ot' (Hapot)
93. Herebiy (Haraby)
94. Hesane (Hasana)
95. Hesansh (Hasansh)
96. Heschawe (Hashawa; literally: dog-lad)
97. Hesch'emaxwe (Hashamaqua; literally: happy guest)
98. Heshir (Hashir; literally: puppy)
99. Heshore (Hashora)
100. Hetal (Hatal)
101. Hetaliy (Hataly)
102. Hetaw (Hataw)
103. Hetezchiqwe (Hatazhiqua)
104. Hetiqe (Hatika)
105. Hetiqwe (Hatiqua)
106. Hetize (Hatiza)
107. Het'ox'wschiqwe (Hatokshiqua)
108. Hetschiqwe (Hatshiqua)
109. Hetsile (Hatsila)
110. Hetsiqe (Hatsika)
111. Hetsiqwe (Hatsiqua)
112. Hetsu (Hatsoo)
113. Hetu (Hatoo)
114. Het'ut'e (Hatuta)
115. Hewtiy (Hawty)
116. Hezeishe (Hazesha)
117. Janchate, Gankate (Janchata, Gankata)
118. Jatawe, Gatawe (Jatawa, Gatawa)
119. Jilax'sten, Gilax'sten (Jilakstan, Gilakstan)
120. Jirandiqwe, Girandiqwe (Jirandiqua, Girandiqua)
121. Kitsu (Kitsoo)
122. Kwrghwoqwe (Kurgoqua)
123. Kwsh (Kush)
124. Kwshbiy (Kushby)
125. Kwshmez (Kushmaz)
126. Kwshikw (Kushiku)
127. Lashe (Lasha)
128. Lawirsen (Lawirsan)
129. Lemashe (Lamasha)
130. Lhepsch (Lepsh; name of the god of the blacksmiths in Circassian Pantheon)
131. Lhosten (Lostan)
132. Lhostenasch (Lostanash)
133. Lhostenbiy (Lostanby)
134. L'if' (Lif; literally: good man)
135. L'imaxwe (Limaqua; literally: happy man)
136. Mamish (Mamish)
137. Mamishe (Mamisha)
138. Mamsir (Mamsir)
139. Mamsriqwe (mamsriqua)
140. Mariqwe (Mariqua)
141. Mash (Mash)
142. Mashe (Masha)
143. Mat'e (Mata; there is a glottal stop after the t)
144. Mat'u (Matoo; there is a glottal stop after the t)
145. Maxwe (Maqua; literally: happy)
146. Med (Mad)
147. Men (Man)
148. Menshaq (Manshak)
149. Meshiqwe (Mashiqua)
150. Mile (Mila)
151. Miqe (Mika)
152. Misost (Misost)
153. Mize (Miza)
154. Mut'e (Muta; there is a glottal stop after the t)
155. Nal (Nal; literally: horse-shoe)
156. Nalbiy (Nalby)
157. Nali (Naly, the y is very short)
158. Napts'e (Naptsa)
159. Narich, Narik (Narich, Narik)
160. Nart (Nart; generic name used in the Nart Legends)
161. Nartbiy (Nartby)
162. Nartschawe (Nart-shawa; literally: Nart-lad)
163. Nartshu (Nart-shoe; literally: Nart knight)
164. Nasch (Nash)
165. Naschx'we (Nashqua; literally: grey-eyed)
166. Natbiy (Natby)
167. Natrib (Natrib)
168. Nawirbiy (Nawirby)
169. Nawriz (Nawriz)
170. Nax'we (Naqua; this is an ellipsis of the name Naschx'we, Nashqua; literally: grey-eyed)
171. Nedighe (Nadiga; literally: sun-eye)
172. Neghwey (Nag-way; literally: Nogay, one of the Turkic tribes in the Caucasus)
173. Nep'it' (Napit)
174. Nerzan (Narzan; some interpretations explain this as Nartsane, wine of the Narts)
175. Nesren (Nasran)
176. Nex'wat'e (Naquata)
177. Nex'wpsch (Nakupsh)
178. Pagwe (Pagua)
179. Paq, Paqe (Pak, Paka; literally: blunt-nosed)
180. Pariyqe (Paryka)
181. Pashe (Pasha; literally: leader, he who leads)
182. P'at' (Pat)
183. P'it'u (Pitoo)
184. Pschibiy (Pshiby)
185. Pschimaxwe (Pshimaqua; literally: happy prince)
186. Pschimide (Pshimida; literally: the prince that does not agree)
187. Pschiqan (Pshikan; literally: foster-child of the prince)
188. Pschizebiy (Pshizaby)
189. Psebide (Psabida; literally: strong-souled)
190. Qaniqwe (Kaniqua)
191. Qanschawe (Kanshawa; literally: foster-child)
192. Qanschobiy (Kanshoby)
193. Qaschx'we (Kashqua; literally: sky-blue)
194. Qeit (Kayt)
195. Qeitiqwe (Kaytiqua)
196. Qex'wn (Kakun)
197. Qideghaze (Kidagaza)
198. Qilishbiy (Kilishby)
199. Qwbatiy (Kubaty)
200. Qwlhshiqwe (Kulshiqua)
201. Qwsh (Kush)
202. Schad (Shad)
203. Schaqmen (Shakman)
204. Schebet (Shabat; literally: Sabbath, Saturday)
205. Schebetiqwe (Shabatiqua; not an original Circassian name; see preceding entry)
206. Scherel'oqwe (Sharaloqua)
207. Schewey (Sha-way)
208. Schihbolet (Shih-bolat)
209. Schihim (Shihim)
210. Schiyherbiy (Sheeharby)
211. Scholex'w (Sholok; this is also a family name, and a breed of Kabardian horses)
212. Schoqal (Shokal)
213. Senjeley, Sengeley (Sanjalay, Sangalay; name of a mediaeval Kabardian prince who fought the Tartars)
214. Serebiy (Saraby)
215. Sha (Sha)
216. Shabiyix'w (Shabby-yook)
217. Shaghir (Shagir; literally: wine)
218. Shaghirbiy (Shagirby)
219. Shaps (Shaps)
220. Shat' (Shat', there is a glottal stop after the t)
221. Shiys (Shees)
222. Shore (Shora)
223. Shu (Shoo; literally: horseman)
224. Shumaf'e (Shoomafa; literally: horseman-fire)
225. Shumaxwe (Shoomaqua; literally: happy, or lucky, horseman)
226. Shume (Shooma)
227. Shupagwe (Shoopagua; blunt-nosed horseman)
228. Shupashe (Shoopasha; cavalry leader)
229. Shuqe (Shooka)
230. Shuwey (Shoo-way; literally: knight, intrepid horseman, Dzhigit)
231. Sirixw (Siriku; the u is very short; literally: blond)
232. Sosriqwe (Sosriqua; name of legendary Nart)
233. Takwu (Takoo)
234. Tawqan (Tawkan)
235. Teimbolet (Tembolat)
236. Teimbore (Tembora)
237. Teimbot (Tembot)
238. Teipsiriqwe (Tepsiriqua)
239. Teirchiqwe, Teirkiqwe (Terchiqua, Terkiqua)
240. Teiwvezh (Tewvazh)
241. T'emashe (Tamasha)
242. Tighwen (Tiguan)
243. Tighwenbiy (Tiguanby)
244. T'igwe (Tigua)
245. Tiqe (Tika)
246. Tiqire (Tikira)
247. Tolbiy (Tolby)
248. Tolhesten (Tolastan)
249. Toqwe (Toqua)
250. Tsane (Tsana)
251. Tsats (Tsats)
252. Tsatsu (Tsatsoo)
253. Tsiqire (Tsikira)
254. Tsu (Tsoo)
255. Tsumash (Tsoomash)
256. Tsut'e (Tsoota)
257. T'ut' (Tut)
258. Werdeschawe (Wardashawa)
259. Werdeschiqwe (Wardashiqua)
260. Wezirmes, Wezermes (Wazirmas; name of one of the Nart heroes)
261. Wezirmej, Wezirmeg (Wazirmaj, Wazirmag; name of one of the Nart heroes)
262. Wezrej, Wezreg (Wazraj, wazrag)
263. Wezroqwe (Wazroqua)
264. Wighwrli (Wigurly; the y is very short; literally: kind, good)
265. Wivzhiqwe (Wivzhiqua)
266. X'imisch (Kimish)
267. X'wat'e (Quata)
268. Xwemghwet (Quamguat)
269. X'wet (Quat)
270. Yamdezh (Yamdazh)
271. Yapenes (Yapanas)
272. Yedij, Yedig (Yadij, Yadig)
273. Yelbizdiqwe (Yalbizdiqua)
274. Yelhqan (Yalkan)
275. Yeljiriqwe, Yelgiriqwe (Yaljiriqua, Yalgiriqua)
276. Yelhix'w (Yaliku, very short u)
277. Yemish (Yamish)
278. Yeristam (Yaristam)
279. Yerzhib (Yarzhib; also the name of an old kind of rifle, named after its inventor)
280. Yetech, Yetek (Yatach, Yatak)
281. Yex'wl'e (Yakula; literally: successful)
282. Yinaliqwe (Yinaliqua)
283. Yinarmes (Yinarmas)
284. Zawirbiy (Zawirby)
285. Zeik'we (Zeyqua; literally: campaign)
286. Zeik'weshu (Zeyqua-shoo; literally: campaign horseman)
287. Zhaniqwe (Zhaniqua)
288. Zhanqeit (Zhankate)
289. Zhansex'w (Zhanseku, the u is very short)
290. Zhansiyt (Zhanseet)
291. Zhanteimir (Zhantemir)
292. Zhantighwen (Zhantiguan)
293. Zhanx'wet (Zhanquat)
294. Zhantiy (Zhanty)
295. Zhebaghi (Zhabagy)
296. Zhembolet (Zhambolat)
297. Zhembore (Zhambora)
298. Zhembot (Zhambot)
299. Zheriqwe (Zhariqua)
300. Zhilebiy (Zhilaby)
301. Zhileghwet (Zhilaguat)
302. Zhiqwe (Zhiqua)
303. Zhore (Zhora)
304. Ziramikw, Zeramikw (Ziramuk, Zaramuk; literally: whom one dare not attack)

Please note that the name ending biy (by), may be Turkic for the master, or probably comes from Turkic bay, prince, rich man.

List 2: Mediaeval Circassian Names

The following names were taken fron the book LA FORMATION DE L'EMPIRE RUSSE (Boris Nolde, Paris, 1952-53. Seminal book on Kabardian history). Many old Kabardian names are quoted. The names in brackets are my own interpretations of what the modern equivalents are:

8. TEMRIOUK (Teimriqwe; see List 3 below)
30. KAITOUK (Qeitiqwe)
33. PCHIMAKHA (Pschimaxwe; literally: happy, or lucky, prince)
37. SOUNTCHELEI (Senjeley, Sengeley)
40. ILDAR (Yeldar; not an original Circassian name)
46. MOUDAR (Mudar)
52. KAZY

List 3: Principal Names of the Narts

1. Albech, Albek (Albach, Albak)
2. Araq-shu (Arak-shoo)
3. Ashe (Asha)
4. Ashemez, 'ashemez (Ashamaz, 'Ashamaz)
5. Bedin (Badin)
6. Bedinoqwe (Badinoqua)
7. Beterez (Bataraz)
8. Henezch (Hanazh)
9. Lhepsch (Lapsh; the god of the smiths in the Circassian Pantheon)
10. Negwre (Nagura)
11. Nesren-Zchach'e (Nasran-zhacha; zchach'e, beard)
12. Pagwe (Pagua; literally: blunt-nosed)
13. Sibilshiy (Sibil-shee)
14. Sos (Sos)
15. Sosim (Sosim)
16. Sosriqwe (Sosriqua)
17. Teterschawe (Tatarshawa)
18. Toteresh (Totarash)
19. Wezirmej, Wezirmeg (Wazirmaj, Wazirmag)
20. Wezirmes, Wezermes (Wazirmas, Wazarmas. Note: Wezirmes and Wezirmej refer to the same Nart personage)
21. X'imisch (Khimish)
22. Yergwn, Yeregwn, Yerigwn (Yargun, Yaragun, Yarigun)
23. Yerischiqwe (Yarishiqua)
24. Yimis (Yimis)
25. Zchindu-zchach'e (Zhindoo-zhach'e; literally: owl-beard)

List 4: The following masculine names, or components thereof, are not of Circassian origin, although they are used extensively in the Caucasus:

1. Aliym (Aleem; from Arabic 'Aleem, learned)
2. Anwar (Anwar; from Arabic Anwar, radiant, effulgent)
3. Anzor, Andzor (Anzor; from the Georgian caste term Aznawiry, free)
4. Arsein (Arsane; from Greek, manly, courageous)
5. Artur (Artur; from Celtic Arthur, bear)
6. Aslhen (Aslan; from Turkish Arslan, Aslan, lion)
7. Aslhenbiy (Aslanby; from Turkic Arslan, Aslan, lion, and Turkic bey, the master, or probably bay, prince, rich man)
8. Azemet (Azamat; from Arabic 'Azamah, grandeur, greatness, glory)
9. Batir (Batir)
10. Beislhen (Beslan; from Turkic Bey, the master, or probably Bay, prince, rich man, and aslan, lion).
11. Beit'al (Baytal, the t is followed by a glottal stop; assimilated name)
12. Kezbeik (Kazbeyk; from Arabic Qadi, judge, and Turkic beyk, the master, leader)
13. Mats (Mats; assimilated name)
14. Murat (Murat; from Arabic Murad, wish)
15. Ruslhan, Rustam, Wirustam (Ruslan, Rustam, Wirustam; from Persian Ruslan, having a mighty body)
16. Teimir (Temir; assimilated name; perhaps from Turkic, iron)
17. Teimirqan (Temirkan; assimilated name; composed of Teimir, and qan, foster-child)
18. Teimirzhan (Temirzhan; assimilated name; composed of Teimir, and zhan, lively, agile, smart, clever)
19. Teimriqwe (Temriqua; there is some doubt as to the originality of this name, Temir probably being Turkic; assimilated name)
20. Tiymur (Teemur; Turkic, iron)
21. Yeldar (Yaldar; assimilated name)
22. Yidar (Yidar; assimilated name)
23. Yinal (Yinal; assimilated name)
24. Yinaliqwe (Yinaliqua; assimilated name)
25. Zawir (Zawir; apparently from Ossetian Dzuar, patron, protector)
26. Zawirbiy (Zawirby; apparently from Ossetian Dzuar, patron, protector, and Turkic bey, themaster, or probably bay, prince, rich man)
27. Zhemal (Zhamal; from Arabic Jamal, beauty, attractiveness)

List 5: Feminine Names

1. Abexw (Abaku; the u is very short)
2. Adiyixw, 'ediyixw (Adiyiku, 'Adiyiku; the u is very short; literally: having a white forearm)
3. Babine (Babina)
4. Babire (Babira)
5. Babishe (Babisha)
6. Babitse (Babitsa)
7. Babixw (Babiku; the u is very short)
8. Babliyne (Bableena)
9. Bariyne (Bareena)
10. Bedexw (Badaku; the u is very short)
11. Bitse (Bitsa)
12. Bixwe (Biqua)
13. Biybe (Beeba)
14. Bzcho (Bzho; literally: fallow deer, doe)
15. Dadiy (Dady)
16. Daduqan (Dadukan)
17. Dadusha (Dadusha)
18. Dane (Dana; literally: silk)
19. Daniyzet (Danny-zat)
20. Daxe (Daka; literally: beautiful)
21. Daxeliyne (Daka-leena; composed of daxe, beautiful, and liyne, leena)
22. Daxenaghwe (Daka-nagua; composed of daxe, beautiful, and naghwe, brown-eyed)
23. Daxewes (Daka-was; composed of daxe, beautiful, and wes, snow)
24. Dische (Disha; literally: gold)
25. Diyne (Deena; literally: our eye)
26. Dumesare (Dumasara)
27. Dune (Duna)
28. 'ediyixw, Adiyixw ('Adiyiku, Adiyiku; the u is very short; literally: having a white forearm)
29. Gwasche (Guasha; literally: princess, wife of prince, doll)
30. Gwascheghagh (Guasha-gag)
31. Gwascheliyne (Guasha-leena)
32. Gwaschenise (Guasha-nisa; literally: princess)
33. Gwaschemasch'e (Guasha-masha; literally: little princess)
34. Gwaschepagwe (Guasha-pagua; blunt-nosed princess)
35. Gwaschexwzch (Guasha-kuzh; literally: white princess)
36. Gweschene (Guashana)
37. Gweschenexw (Guasha-naku; the u is very short)
38. Gwlez (Gulaz)
39. Gwne (Guna)
40. Gwnes (Gunas)
41. Hetsatsa (Hatsatsa)
42. K'wak'we (Quaqua)
43. K'wat'e (Quata; there is a glottal stop after the t)
44. K'watse (Quatsa)
45. Kwez (Quaz)
46. K'wk'we (Kuqua)
47. K'wlat'e (Kulata; there is a glottal stop after the t)
48. K'wlatse (Qulatsa)
49. Kwle (Kula)
50. K'wle (Kula)
51. Kwl'edem (Kuladam)
52. Kwliyzhan (Kuly-zhan)
53. Kwne (Kuna)
54. K'wne (Kuna)
55. Kwral (Kural)
56. K'wratse (Kuratsa)
57. K'wt'e (Kuta; there is a glottal stop after the t)
58. Lalixw (Laliku; the u is very short)
59. Laliyne (Laleena)
60. Laliytse (Laleetsa)
61. Lane (Lana)
62. Lawitse (Lawitsa)
63. Lixwe (Liqua)
64. Liyne (Leena)
65. Naghwe (Nagua; literally: brown-eyed)
66. Naschx'we (Nashqua; literally: grey-eyed; this name is used both for males and females)
67. Negwresh (Nagurash)
68. Nedaxe (Na-daka; literally: beautiful eye)
69. Nex'daxe (Nak-daka; literally: more beautiful)
70. Niyne (Neena)
71. Pagwe (Pagua; literally: blunt-nosed)
72. Pizchine (Pizhina; composed of pizch, sloe, blackthorn, and ne, eye)
73. Qandische (Kan-disha; literally: golden foster-child)
74. Qan'ef' (Kan-af; literally: sweet foster-child)
75. Qanexw (Kanaku; the u is very short)
76. Qants'ik'w (Kan-tsuk; literally: little foster-child)
77. Qeral (Karal; literally: country)
78. Qerelzhan (Karal-zhan)
79. Qwdas (Kudas; literally: feather-grass, Stipa)
80. Sase (Sasa)
81. Sat'(e) (Sata; there is a glottal stop after the t)
82. Sawise (Sawisa)
83. Sete (Sata)
84. Seteney (Satanay; name of one of the Nart heroines, and a beautiful flower)
85. Susane (Susana)
86. Tewzhan (Taw-zhan)
87. Tsatse (Tsatsa)
88. Tsatsune (Tsatsuna)
89. Wes (Was; literally: snow)
90. Wile (Wila)
91. Witse (Witsa)
92. Wizche (Wizha; literally: weasel)
93. X'imsad, X'imisad (Kimsad, Kimisad)
94. Xwemey (Qua-may)
95. Xwniyne (Kuneena)
96. Xwriyret (Kuryrat)
97. Xwske (Kuska)
98. Xwzch (Kuzh; literally: white)
99. Xwzchpagwe (Kuzh-pagua; combination of zxwzch, white, and pagwe, blunt-nosed)
100. Zaliyne (Zaleena)
101. Zhan (Zhan; literally: princess, prince's unmarried daughter)
102. Zhangwasche (Zhan-guasha; combination of zhan, and gwasche)
103. Zhanpagwe (Zhan-pagua; literally: blunt-nosed princess)
104. Zhanqwdas (Zhan-kudas; combination of zhan, and qwdas, feather-grass, Stipa)
105. Zhanshir (Zhan-shir)
106. Zhanwes (Zhan-was; literally: snow princess)
107. Zhanwise (Zhan-wisa; combination of zhan, and wise, poem)
108. Zhanxwzch (Zhan-kuzh; literally: white princess)
109. Zhanziyle (Zhan-zeela)
110. Zheine (Zhena)
111. Zuliy (Zuly)
112. Zuliyzhan (Zuly-zhan)

List 6: Names of Nart Heroines

1. Axwmide (Akumida)
2. 'Adiyixw (Adi-yuk; literally: white forearm)
3. Bidixw, Bedexw (Bidiku, Badaku; the u is very short)
4. Lashin (Lashin)
5. Seteney (Satanay; also name of beautiful flower)

List 7: The following feminine names are not of Circassian origin, although they are extensively used in the Caucasus:

1. Daniyfo (Danny-fo; assimilated name)
2. Gwle (Gula; assimilated name)
3. Madiyne (Madeena; from Arabic Madeena, city)
4. Mariyne (Mareena; from Latin marina, marine, one of Aphrodite's epithets)
5. Temare (Tamara)
6. Zhaniy (Zhanny; assimilated name)

Source: Amjad Jaimoukha, Jordan

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