The Caucasian Borderland

I feel some diffidence in giving a lecture on an area which has been associated with the names of some of the most distinguished Fellows of the Society. The late Douglas Freshfield is perhaps one of the best known, his "Exploration of the Caucasus" is the classic for the Central Range. The late Lord Bryce and the late H. F. B. Lynch, writing fifty years ago, remain standard authorities, for the geography of Ararat and the Armenian highland zone. Lastly, John Baddeley, a Gold Medallist of the Society who died two years ago, had just finished his two volumes on Dagistan and the central Caucasus which have appeared under the title of "The rugged flanks of Caucasus." I should like here to pay a tribute to a man who was the perfect combination of the adventurer and the scholar. All his friends will remember his noble and benign aspect, his profound erudition, his generosity, and his wisdom. Baddeley was, I suppose, the last of the Victorians, who laid the foundation of modern geographical knowledge. .....


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