The Russian final subjugation of Northwestern Caucasus: Colonial Atrocities and European Responsibilities

Brussels, 6 October 2008

Circassian Day in European Parliament: “A Day With Circassians. Federation of European Circassians & Cem Özdemir“
paper by Irma Kreiten (University of Southampton):

The Russian final subjugation of Northwestern Caucasus: Colonial Atrocities and European Responsibilities
Why should someone who is not a Circassian himself be interested in Circassian history? Isn’t the study of Circassian history and culture something quite exotic? Should – or could- such a field of knowledge not be left to specialists? I want to seize the opportunity of the Circassian Day in European Parliament in order to argue that, whether we are Circassians or not, Circassian history, and especially 19th century colonization, is something that should concern us all. As our historical pasts are intertwined1, this means that, by learning about each other, we also learn something about ourselves.


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