The Society of Circassian Unity and Its Publication: ‘İttihad Gazetesi’ (Cairo, 1899) (PDF)

Many countries of the Near and Middle East, that formerly constituted parts of the Ottoman Empire, became a second homeland for hundreds of thousands of Northern Caucasians, who had been compelled to migrate there after the completion of the Russo-Caucasian War, mainly in the 1850s – 1870s. Remaining in ethno-historical respect fractions of the peoples of the North Caucasus, these diaspora groups during the past century and a half have accomplished, however, their own, rather complicated way of cultural, social and political evolution, the objective study and adequate assessment of which require, first of all, involvement of a wide scope of Turkish sources, i.e. archival materials, press, autobiographical literature, etc. Among these sources a special place is occupied (partially due to their relative sparsity) by documents proceeding from the North Caucasians directly – collective and individual petitions of the immigrants, publications and records of the organizations created by them, memoirs of outstanding members of the Circassian1 community and so on, – which reflect the condition of public attitudes and ideological aspirations amid the diaspora at every particular stage.


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