Storm over the Caucasus: In the Wake of Independence (PDF)

The US Library of Congress Archives

Tlhere are nlo Baturnis: the sprau4ing ciw area on the other side of the railu-ar-s tation the railtrack from Tbilisi ends, and the coastal strip u'est of the port the villas and big hotels are situated. The largest, the Hedea Hotel, is filled u.ith refugees from Abkhazia, as is one of the pompous Intourisr Hotel, built in Stalinist style.

Batumi is the capital of Ajaria, the onlv remaining rutonomous state of Georia wich distinguishes itself from the rest of the 'mini-empire' by its Nluslim majoriry- as usell as bv the fact that during the lBth cenrlrry and fbr sorne periods subsequent once formed part of the Ottoman Empire. The same happens to be tme for nearby Sarntskhe u.hich, hou.ever, has not been provided with autonomous status in later times. In neither area, however, did the the r-irus of separatism appear to be in the air.


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