
Хьэнцэ гуащэ - Hantse Guashe: A Ceremony of the Puppet Princess
Hantse Guashe is a kind of ritual and ceremony for the raining.

Regarding The Myth of "Abriskil"
The most significant Abkhaz Fold Literature is jointly represented in "NART" and "ABRISKIL" Tales.

Aetiological Remarks And Legends In The Context Of Abkhazian Nart Epic

Myths from the Forests of Circassia
Myths from the Forest of Circassia, The World & I, December, 1989.

Nart Sagas from the Caucasus
Myths and Legends from the Circassians, Abazas, Abkhaz, and Ubykhs By John Colarusso