13 февраля 2010 13:00

Symposium: “Kabardian Horse - Past, Present and Future”

Hosted by Mr. Cem Özdemir, leader of the German party “Bündnis 90/Die Grünen”, “The Greens”
Organizer: International Kabardian Horse Association (IKHA)
Place: Berlin (more details available till 10th of January 2010 on http://www.ikha.info)
Date: 13 of February 2010 13:00 to 19:00

Dear friends,
IKHA proudly presents the 1st international symposium on the kabardian horse breed. We welcome all interested people, friends and guests to the event with the focus on “Kabardian Horse - Past, Present and Future” on 13th of February 2010 in Berlin. We are awaiting numerous scholars, politicians, scientists, breeders and more from Caucasia, all Europe and further countries to this exceptional event.

Our major interest is to present and discuss the kabardian breed on a prominent stage and to shed light upon the past, present and promising future of this extraordinary breed, but also to present projects that go beyond pure support of the breed, and aim to improve the situation for breeders and people working with the horses in Caucasia.

As a roof organization for all breeders, supporters and friends of the kabardian horse breed we want to
draw attraction by media and public to the situation and the projects.

We count on you and await your confirmation of participation.

International Kabardian Horse Association

Cem Özdemir, Co-Chairman of the German Party ''Bündnis 90/Die Grünen'', host of symposium

Tobias Knoll, CEO IKHA

Preliminary Agenda in PDF Format (44.6 KB)

International Kabardian Horse Association (IKHA) - http://www.ikha.info

© http://circassianworld.com 

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