29 января 2012 19:00


on Sunday, 29th of January, at 3 o'clock in the afternoon, in İstanbul/Taksim...

“The Homeland of Circassians Living in Syria, is Circassia!”

Although every power and everyone tells “his own story”, according to their own interests, we know that the political situation in Syria is getting worser with each passing day and taking the size of a “civil war”.

Aproximately 150 000 Circassians live in Syria today and they are being compelled to be a party to this "civil war". However, this war is not our war and the Circassians do not have to be a party to this war.

Instead, the Circassians in Syria should be quickly transferred to their motherland, where they can be in save.

Circassians, the official institutions, the government initiatives, as well as the Heads of our Republics in Circassia have allready announced to the public that they are ready to receive our brothers and sisters from Syria.

Now we, the Circassians, must show to the whole world the unity of the Circassian nation and give to our motherland moral support in their efforts in bringing Circassians from Syria to homeland.

The Circassians are a nation and the whole world should see it now!

To achieve this, we call all our institutions, groups and the patriots in local units to be more active and organize peaceful-democratic activities under the slogan “The Homeland of Circassians Living in Syria is Circassia” in order to save the lives of the Circassians living in Syria and to take the attention of international institutions, like UN, EU or UNPO in Circassians living in Syria.

We, as “CIRCASSİA PLATFORM", organize a meeting,

On SUNDAY, 29th of January, 2012,
at 15:00 hour,
in İstanbul/Taksim and call everyone to attend it.

Long live the Circassian Nation!
Long live the Circassia!

Circassia Platform 

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