Ayal Othman: My Story in Russian Fedartion

So after that I went back to my university (Kabardino-Balkaria State Agrarian University) to find out that they expelled me on my year of graduation, I only had few months for my Graduation, but they destroyed that too, and I couldn’t find the reason of that too; until that moment they deprived me of my rights; freedom of expression about the tragedy of my ancestors, together with my future.

My name is Ayal Othman, a displaced person who is now a refugee, and who is also seeking asylum.

I am an ethnic Circassian originally born in the Syrian Arab Republic; I came to Russia to continue my study; I fled to the Russian Federation because my ethnic homeland is in the North Caucasus; Circassia.

As you may be aware, the 2014 Winter Olympics are being held in Sochi, Russia. Many Circassians have been staging peaceful protests given Sochi’s significance in Circassian history and the lack of Circassian elements in the ceremonies.

On February 7th of this year, one such demonstration was held in the city of Nalchik, capital of the Republic of Kabardino-Balkaria, where I currently reside. The authorities quickly broke up the demonstration and rounded up several passersby. I was one of them and I was taken into custody, where they hold me for 30 hours. We stayed there in cold room with no food and or drinks.

On February 8 around 9 pm I with 2 other Syrian Circassian students who were hold with me too in custody, were sent to the Court, and then released.

On February 10 on 9 am we went to the Migration center in Nalchik city as the authorities asked us to do. They took us to another Court where they decided to deport us within 15 days. My passport was in the Syrian Embassy to re-new it at the same time. I sent my passport on July 2013, but I couldn’t re-new it Because of the Syrian Conflict, as so many Syrian people around the world.

After the court let us free to get back to Syria, I filed an appeal for the court on February 20.

On March 4 the Supreme Court called me to tell me that the next day on the 5th of March they will Review my appeal; on March 5 with my Lawyer I went to the Supreme Court where they canceled the Deportation decision of the City ​​Court and send me back to City Court to reconsider my case, but in the Supreme Court they informed me that I been expelled from my university without any information about the reason of that.

So after that I went back to my university (Kabardino-Balkaria State Agrarian University) to find out that they expelled me on my year of graduation, I only had few months for my Graduation, but they destroyed that too, and I couldn’t find the reason of that too; until that moment they deprived me of my rights; freedom of expression about the tragedy of my ancestors, together with my future.

On March 19 the City Court decided to deport me again.

In 4th of April I traveled with my wife to Turkey, the only country we have a hope to get there safe.



Комментарии 2

  1. They are doing everything to discourage vozvraschatsya to their historic homeland. 
    Few of the Circassians will return home after such cases. 
    There is a great desire to spit in the face to all those who made ​​this.

  2. Ayal Othman фэдэхэр Юрист Кокистмэ, бештист-кешистмэ, адыгэу альытэрэп. Хьупхьэмэ апай - "адыгэ маф","адыгэ бракьым имаф", "адыгэ цуакьэм имаф"... Ayal Othman фэдэмэ апай - "билет на самолет"
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